Saturday, October 4, 2008

Monkey Suit

So, I know I haven't been updating in a while but after that crazy summer, I've been too tired to do any more fun things. But, now that it's Halloween time, I'm BACK!!! Mommy has been asking me all the time about what I want to be for Halloween! What does that even mean, I thought? Aren't I going to be me? But I've been through the stores and now I know.... I get pick out a silly outfit and wear it whenever I want! I picked a monkey suit. And, like I said, I wear it whenever I want. It's always monkey suit time. Hey, why wear something so cool only one day a year????

Today we got the pumpkin stuff out and decorated the porch. And the leaves are all turning colors and I love to yell the new colors out whenever I see them. And, there's a farm on the way to school and I can see those big, real pumpkins growing in the dirt and I can't wait til it's our turn to go pick one out!!!

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I love Pasgetti!