Monday, November 17, 2008

To Grandma's House We Go!

Well, I don't have any pictures to add but I just wanted to let you all know that I went on my first solo extended vacation! To Grandma and Baba's house! They picked me up from school on Friday- just in time to skip that pestery old nap time- and kept me for the weekend. I have a nice little list of things I love to do when I visit them and since we had the whole weekend, we got them all in (and then some). Grandma and Baba have a way of making even the most normal things really fun! I went to the clubhouse and got a donut, played on the swings at the park for about 41 hours, went to the train/hobby store, played and played and played with Baba's old trains, played marble game, pool, and every other toy Grandma keeps stashed at her house just for me. Thank you Baba and Grandma for having me over!!!

*side note from Mommy- Breckin went to bed at 6:30 Sunday night (two hours early), slept in til 7 (one hour late), and had to stay home sick on Monday! Way to wear him out Mom!!!

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