Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Friday Fun!

I got a real kitchen! Ok, so the water doesn't come out of the sink and mommy never yells at me to "back away from the oven this minute or you'll end up missing fingers!" But, it's just my size and I've gotten really good at making chili in my coffee pot and serving non-existent pizza to everyone that comes upstairs.
On Friday at school, my mommy came and had tea time with me. Something about telling our mommies thank you for taking good care of us... All I know is I got to have yummy raspberry cookies and strawberries BEFORE lunch! Anything we celebrate where we have dessert first is my favorite holiday! My mommy was the silliest because she climbed up the playground in her "work" clothes (whatever that means) and went down the slide with me, Cameron, Kylie, and Marissa. I like tea parties like this. I just don't want anything to do with the princess toys Marissa is always trying to get me to play with....

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