Thursday, June 26, 2008

NW Trek with the Friedmans

On Sunday, after I had already spent time with the farm animals, we went to another kind of park... a wildlife park! And, we took my friend Jonathan and his mommy, daddy, and baby sister with us. This time, there were no cows or rabbit poop.... there was Moose! And bears and elk and eagles and mountain goats and bison and raccoons. And cougars... Go COUGS! We drove a long long long way (to Eatonville), got in the gate, and immediately ran for the tram ride. I LOVED the tram ride. It's just like a train-bus and I got to stick my head out the window- I tried to touch a bison but mommy said no-no-no-no-no-no. I just wanted to pet it and it was right up against my window. There were so many animals... After the tram ride, we walked around for a while, paid a lot of money for not a lot of lunch, and then went to find more animals. Jonathan and I could have cared less about the bears and wolves and lynx cause all they did was sleep in the sunshine. But, the raccoon was funny! He was lying on his back and making silly faces and stretching his arms all over the place- kinda like Daddy when he wakes up!
On our way out, we went through something called Slugfest. There was bubbles, people dressed up like slugs, and lots of yellow slugs everywhere! I got to plant some marigolds cause slugs like them so much. I even got to scoop the dirt and do the water bottle part. But, I was getting worn out so after that, we all left. Funny... it didn't take very long to get home. We got in the car and POOF I was home and in my bed for a nap... must have been a time warp. This might be my new favorite park!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

And now.... Today! Kelsey Creek Park

This morning I went to one of my favorite places. If you've never been to the animal park in Bellevue, Kelsey Creek Farm, you should really go. It's so big!!! I got to see my favorite farm animals- cows. But, let's get real, the biggest highlight of the day (Mommy says thanks so much, Heather and Tim) was seeing the rabbit poop! I read all about rabbit poop in my favorite bedtime story "Who Pooped in the Park." I know all about how to find the footprints and can tell whose poop is who's just by looking at it. I love that book. After we saw all the animals, we went down the hill, crossed three bridges over the creek, and played on the swings and seesaw. Oh! I also got to pump water with a real old-school water pump. I loved that! Mommy says I spent forever looking inside to figure out how it works. If anyone knows how it works, I'd like a book on that, too. I love gears and pumps and pistons and stuff. SO COOL!

I'm pretty sure I took a good nap today, too. Mommy sure knows how to wear me out!

Last weekend- Festival and Parade

Saturday morning, after I slept til 8:30, we went back over to get Jonathan and went to the parade. I am a seasoned pro at parades. We went to this last year so I knew all about the fire trucks, tractors, police men, horses, dogs, bikes, and cool cars. We watched part of it and convinced Mommy to bail early so we could get a good seat on the train ride. Jonathan and I got lots of candy from the parade people and headed out to the festival. We got the best seats on the train ride- the caboose! We also did pony rides, watched the big people go around and around on the ring of fire, played on the slides, checked out the old cars, watched the fire truck drive through the festival, and got bummed out cause the blow-up slide was broken. It wasa busy day! I lost my mind for a while so Mommy walked us back to the car and we went to McDonalds for lunch. Man, I took a good nap that day. Thanks for comin with us, Jonathan!

P.S. We got Kung Fu Panda toys at McDonalds... sooooo COOOOLLLL! I'm still the monkey!

Last weekend- Movie Night!

Have you ever stayed up past when the sun goes to bed and then started watching a movie? I did! Mommy fed me dinner on Friday night, got me ready for bed, then- get this- we got in the car and went to the drive-in! WHAT?!?!?! Kids can do things like this? Why have we not done this before? Mommy and I went over and got Carolyn and Jonathan, piled them in the car, and took off for Auburn. I'm not sure why but Mommy and Carolyn kept looking at each other and shrugged their shoulders and declared themselves the best mommies on the planet and gave us more cookies and popcorn. And pretzels and candies. And juice. Whenever we wanted it! Then, about two hours past my bedtime, the movie started. We watched Kung Fu Panda. Jonathan got to be the panda, I was the monkey, Mommy was the snake, and Carolyn was the tiger. It was a really good movie. Anyone remember how it ended? Jonathan and I gave up somewhere in the middle. Let's do that again!!! I like staying up til the middle of the night and eating a bunch of junk. Go Mommy!

Last weekend- The BBQ

Well, last weekend was something to do with farfs. I don't know why everyone kept telling me to say Happy Farf Day to daddy and baba but they sure did. So, I said it. It was really fun for me, though, cause guess who came to my school and had hot dogs with me? Baba and mommy! I've never seen Baba show up in my classroom for lunch before so I gave him a tour of my favorite toys and took him out to the playground. He saw how I go down the topsy-turvy slide and he joined in when my friends and I raced around the playground. He had to go back home but I got to stay the night at his house the next day so it was ok. Happy Farf Day!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Bigger Boy

I want to do everything by myself. I'm pretty sure I can. Here's proof. I can pull up my own pull-ups. And they're mostly in the right spot... I can pull off my shirt and pull down my pants, as long as they don't have buttons or snaps. I can take off my shoes, socks, towels, hats, glasses, and bandaids and throw them all really far. I can get in all of my chairs- car and table, and buckle myself in. I'm trying to tell Mommy I don't need buckles anymore and she made a boohoo face cause my knees hit the bottom of the table when I scoot in. Stairs are a breeze- even when I don't hold the handrail. I can let Tiki in and out of her crate and the backyard. I can take out the garbage, pull weeds, water the flowers, and scream/talk to Daddy while he mows. Why can't I mow yet? I really like working in the yard. I also really like being 3 years old cause "poof" overnight I can do bigger boy things that 2 year olds can't do. And, if I can't do something, I can always stomp my feet and yell "I can do it" and Mommy at least lets me try. Just wanted you all to know that I can do pretty much everything. Hey Daddy, what about those saws and stuff? I can do it!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The cool thing to do when you're sick

My new favorite thing to do when I just can't handle being silly anymore is playdoh. I love sorting out the colors (thanks for the Costco pack, Carolyn!), making spaghetti, rolling it into burritos, and squishing it in the tubes. The best time for playdoh is right after breakfast when I'm still a little sleepy. One day, I did playdoh right from the end of breakfast all the way through snack and smack into lunch time! Also, moon sand is cool cause it's just like beach sand. Mommy says it's a "sometimes toy" cause it falls on the floor a lot. Maybe Tiki could just eat it like she does the rest of my crumbs?!?!?

More birthdays!!!

My cousin, Rachel, had a birthday party, too. She turned 4. I had a lot of fun picking out her present cause we never go down the aisle with all of the pink stuff in it. They have some neat stuff down there! They have cars, animals, slides, and swimming pools! I don't really get all of the dolls and feathery things that go with them but I picked out a sweet orange and pink car for Rachel.

At her party, we played with animals and cars and animals and pets. She really likes doggies and kitties! Fortunately, she had a big bin of cars and trucks to play with so I said, let's do that instead of all these animals. Plus, we had cake. I'm really starting to like birthdays. Mommy says we're kinda runnin' low on birthday parties until July when Baby Biss turns 1. Look out, Noah- you better have cake! Anyway, I had fun playing with my cousins. Even when they kissed me.

Catchin up Part 2: favorite foods

So, in case you weren't sure, my favorite foods are chocolate and fruit. Namely, chocolate donuts with sprinkles and anything fresh and juicy in the produce department. Somehow, I convinced Mommy to buy some donuts from the grocery store when we were there and oh the joy! I love eating chocolate donuts! Also, she was excited cause the fruits were on sale so we picked out some plums, donut peaches (never had 'em but they have to be good with a name like that), cherries, and pears. I still can't figure out why Mommy likes to take pictures of me eating but I sure enjoyed the food!

Catchin' Up Part 1: Jonathan's Birthday

My buddy Jonathan turned 5! He had the coolest party- all we did was bounce and jump and slide and bounce. I got to "climb" (read: Mommy carried me up with one arm while pulling herself up a rope with the other) some HUGE bouncy ladders and jump my way to the topsy-turvy slide and SHOOT down the slide! Plus, there was a carousel room where "Johnson" and I could chase each other around while bouncing. Mommy and Jamie and Paul and Matt bounced with me and Paul even carried me up the steepest, scariest ladder when no one else would. Go Paul! Happy Birthday, Jonathan! Cool party!


I love Pasgetti!