Saturday, June 21, 2008

Last weekend- Movie Night!

Have you ever stayed up past when the sun goes to bed and then started watching a movie? I did! Mommy fed me dinner on Friday night, got me ready for bed, then- get this- we got in the car and went to the drive-in! WHAT?!?!?! Kids can do things like this? Why have we not done this before? Mommy and I went over and got Carolyn and Jonathan, piled them in the car, and took off for Auburn. I'm not sure why but Mommy and Carolyn kept looking at each other and shrugged their shoulders and declared themselves the best mommies on the planet and gave us more cookies and popcorn. And pretzels and candies. And juice. Whenever we wanted it! Then, about two hours past my bedtime, the movie started. We watched Kung Fu Panda. Jonathan got to be the panda, I was the monkey, Mommy was the snake, and Carolyn was the tiger. It was a really good movie. Anyone remember how it ended? Jonathan and I gave up somewhere in the middle. Let's do that again!!! I like staying up til the middle of the night and eating a bunch of junk. Go Mommy!

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