Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Noah!!

Well, right after the Thomas event, we zoomed off to Issaquah for Noah's 1st Birthday Party. As usual, his mommy and daddy went big and had a whole playground with a ball pit, baseball bats, tunnels, and bean bag games. Oh, I almost forgot, my friend Joslyn was in town and slumber partied at my house!!! So, of course, she was there. A lot of other people were there, too, but I had no idea who they were.
It was a really fun party but I was so funned out that instead of telling Mommy or Daddy that I was tired, I bopped another girl on the head in the ball pit and ended up going home. Daddy knew I wanted a nap right away so he picked me up and marched me right to the car. Thanks, Daddy! Sorry I missed your cake, Noah, we can always have cake another day. I'd love to help you smash it in your hair again!

1 comment:

Noah William said...

B-Man....we will have cake soon enough my friend.


I love Pasgetti!